A warm welcome to the website of Northgate Primary school. I am totally committed to the philosophy that underpins our school. We have established a creative and innovative place of learning in the centre of Bridgwater where children will be encouraged to be as successful as they can in all that they do.
We want the pupils of Northgate to develop lively and enquiring minds and to acquire knowledge and skills relevant to a fast changing world. We are eager to work in partnership with families and the local community to support the children, enabling them to develop and flourish, fulfilling their potential at school and in life as good citizens.”
We place children at the heart of all our decision-making, ensuring our schools and communities can make informed, ambitious choices about their future direction and benefit from genuine collaboration at all levels, across schools and local communities.
Katie Penny - Headteacher
Our Core Values
Aim high
Speak truthfully and politely
Include everyone
Respect each other
Encourage our friends and work together
Our Learning Values
We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs, attitudes and interests of the children, whilst offering fun and exciting learning experiences.
We have built our curriculum around exciting, motivating themes and learning opportunities that provide challenge. Our teachers are passionate about learning, and having gained a full understanding of every child's strengths and areas for development, are able to use effective strategies to support and develop pupils as individuals.
At Northgate, we understand that it is not solely academic achievements that develop a child. We encourage pupils to build upon their existing talents or to try out something new both inside and outside school.
Northgate Primary School is a Futura Learning Partnership school. Futura is a family of schools working together to serve communities in and around Bath, Bridgwater, Bristol and Clevedon.
Our aim is to deliver a seamless approach to education from the age of 2 to 19, so that each phase of learning builds progressively on the last.
We strive to provide a safe, nurturing and enriching environment for all the children and young people in our care and our core values of Respect, Opportunity, Collaboration and Aspiration, underpin everything we do.
Please click here for more information about Futura Learning Partnership.
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