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Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School

Christmas shows

Christmas 2021


Our children have performed incredibly well this year. The effort and commitment they have shown are clear in their performances. 

Key Stage 1 chose 'Wriggly Nativity' for their play and Key Stage 2 performed a Carol Service

I hope you enjoy watching the children in their Christmas Shows. 


 KS1 - Wriggly Nativity 



KS2 - Carol Concert


We must mention Miss Glassup, who has been wonderful filming, editing and producing the final video, thank you very much!



Christmas 2020

This year we decided that it would be lovely to keep up our tradition of having a Northgate nativity. Obviously this could not be done in the usual way. We chose 'A Midwife Crisis' to be our play and we split the parts between all of the year groups. Everybody worked really hard learning lines and songs and then each class went to perform in the hall, staying in our bubbles as each part was filmed. The video is available below. A huge thank you must go to Miss Glassup who filmed, edited and produced the final video. She did a fantastic job.