Welcome to Brunel Class (Year 2)!
My name is Mrs Cleverly and I am the class teacher. Mrs Gale-Robins (a Higher Level Teaching Assistant) and Mrs Parkin (1:1 Support Assistant) work alongside me and together we make up the Brunel class team.
Class Information
The children have settled in really well and have already done some fantastic things in Brunel Class.
Please click on the links below for all the information about what the class will be learning about during the Summer Term.
Summer Newsletter click here
Summer B Curriculum Overview click here
Summer B Knowledge Organiser click here
At the beginning of the academic year, I held a curriculum meeting to provide more information about the teaching and learning in Year 2. Please find the presentation from the meeting below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Brunel Class Curriculum Meeting PowerPoint
Learning in Brunel Class
Summer Term 1
During the first half of the Summer Term we learnt about animals around the world.
Summer A Curriculum Overview click here
Summer A Knowledge Organiser click here
Eco Summit - Vegetable Planting
Brunel Class enjoyed working with Mrs Powell and Miss Bo to plant vegetables in our garden during the Futura Eco Summit day. During the day, we also learnt about the difference between living and non-living things and took some time to appreciate all that nature can give us.
Art - Where the Wild Things Are
During our art lessons, we have been working with the Year 1 children to create our own sculptures. We looked at the illustrator Maurice Sendak and took inspiration from his book 'Where the Wild Things Are'. The children enjoyed designing, making and evaluating their own mod rock 'wild thing' sculpture.
PE - Cricket
The children have enjoyed developing their cricket skills with Mr Armitage during their PE lessons. We have practiced using an overarm throw to accurately hit the cricket stumps.
The First Aeroplane Flight
During our history lessons, we have continued to learn about famous inventors and their inventions. We enjoyed learning about The Wright Brothers. We found out that the brothers created the first motor-powered aeroplane and we were amazed to find out that it only flew in the sky for 12 seconds. The children also enjoyed working together to act out what they think happened on the day of the first ever aeroplane flight.
Slimbridge Wildlife and Wetlands Centre
We started the half term with a visit to Slimbridge Wildlife and Wetlands Centre. We began our day by meeting Ava the Osprey and completing a special set of nature connection activities. Then, we got to explore the grounds and we learnt lots of fascinating facts about a variety of birds. Our favourite part of the day was seeing all the different types of flamingo.
Spring Term 2
During the second half of the Spring Term we learnt about famous inventors and their inventions.
Spring B Curriculum Overview click here
Spring B Knowledge Organiser click here
Spring Term 1
During the first half of the Spring Term we learnt about our wonderful world.
Spring A Curriculum Overview click here
Spring A Knowledge Organiser click here
What Makes Us Happy?
During Children's Mental Health Week, we had a visit from Jo and Karen at Young Somerset. They spoke to us about the importance of looking after our mental health by doing things that make us happy.
NSPCC Number Day
On Friday 2nd February, we dressed up as numbers to raise money for the NSPCC.
During the day we completed lots of fun number activities. Our favourite activity was playing on Numbots on the ipads.
Road Safety
We recently had a visit from the Somerset Road Safety Team to teach us how to stay safe when crossing a road. We learnt the 'stop, look, listen & think' strategy and had a discussion about how to stay safe on our scooters and bicycles.
Avalon Nursing Home
The children in Brunel Class have enjoyed visiting the residents at Avalon Nursing Home this half term. During their visits, they have taken part in a range of art and craft activities with the residents and enjoyed talking to them about their life. The best part of each visit was having a cuddle with William the rabbit!
Music - Ocarinas
This half term Brunel Class have been enjoying some ocarina lessons from Somerset Music. The children have learnt how to play simple tunes using the notes A, B and G and they also had a go at improvising and composing their own scores.
Quayside Centre
Brunel Class enjoyed a visit to Quayside Gymnastic and Trampoline Centre in Bridgwater. They learnt different gymnastic skills, including the vault and balance beams, and had a go at trampolining. Great fun was had by all and the children's behaviour was highly commended by the staff at the centre.
Autumn Term 2
During the second half of the Autumn Term we learnt about superheroes.
Autumn Newsletter click here
Autumn B Curriculum Overview click here
Autumn B Knowledge Organiser click here
Children in Need
On Friday 17th November, the children in Brunel Class enjoyed coming to school in their pyjamas for Children in Need. Throughout the day we took part in lots of fun activities and we even had Pudsey Bear visit!
Toothbrushing Workshop
The children in Brunel Class had a visit from an oral hygienist this week. We learnt about the importance of keeping our teeth healthy and we discussed how lots of sugar can cause our teeth to decay. Ann-Marie very kindly gave us our own toothbrush and toothpaste and she taught us how to brush our teeth properly.
Autumn Term 1
During the first half of the Autumn Term we learnt about traditional tales.
Autumn A Curriculum Overview click here
Autumn A Knowledge Organiser click here
Multicultural Creativity Week - China
During our whole school multicultural creativity week, Brunel Class have been learning about China. We learnt about the importance of the dragon in Chinese culture and created our own paper dragons.
We also learnt about the festival of Chinese New Year and made our own Chinese lanterns.
We found out about the Chinese cooking technique of stir frying. We had a go at chopping our own vegetables to put in a stir fry. In the afternoon, we tasted some prawn crackers and ate the stir fry we made. It was delicious!
Geography - Our Local Area
In geography this half term we have been developing our map skills. We enjoyed using digital maps to name and locate the human and physical features of our local area.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff Role Play
This half term we have been learning the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children enjoyed working together to act out the story.
Inspired Playground Session
The children in Brunel Class enjoyed working with the new Year 5 inspired playground leaders this week. They listened well and learnt lots of new games that they can play at lunchtime.