• Language

Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School

Kingsley Class

Class information

Welcome to Kingsley's class page, I am Mrs. Wood, the class teacher, the other adults working with your children this year are Mrs. Popham, Miss. Glassup and Mrs. Marker.

PE days are on Monday for this term and we will resume swimming lessons on the first Wednesday back. Please see the newsletter for updated diary dates.

In Year 4, we expect your child to read at home to an adult at least 4 times a week. An adult will need to sign your child’s reading record to say they have read, and they will be entered into a prize draw which will be drawn each Friday.

Learning times tables is crucial for building a strong math foundation, enabling quick calculations, and boosting mental math skills. It improves problem-solving and confidence in more advanced topics like division and fractions. Mastery of times tables also helps children in real-life tasks like budgeting or measuring.

Spring term B



To access the curriculum map for this term, please click here

To access the knowledge organiser for this term, please click here.

The class newsletter for this term, please click here.


Learning this term



This half term, we will start to explore the Roman Empire. Looking at Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion, the Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power of its army. The successful invasion by Claudius and conquest, including Hadrian’s Wall. Boudicca’s revolt and the impact of technology, culture, and beliefs, including early Christianity.


Spring term A



To access the curriculum map for this term, please click here

To access the knowledge organiser for this term, please click here.

The class newsletter for this term, please click here.

Kingsley class had a fantastic time away to Pinkery Outdoor Learning Centre in Exmoor.






 Year 4 will soon have their Spelling Bee event to raise funds towards their trip to the Roman Baths in March. For a copy of the 50 spelling words the children need to learn, please click here. Your sponsorships are so important in ensuring the trip is affordable.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Topics this term





This term we have been working on dynamic balance and moving with control during our PE sessions, we continue to develop our skills of working and communicating effectively and working as a team. In Science, we have been learning all about States of Matter and have enjoyed freezing and melting different substances to consider how substances have different points at which they change state. The children have excelled with their working scientifically skills and are becoming more familiar at identifying variables and creating fair tests.


This term, our English theme is Dragonology! We will dive into the fascinating world of dragons with 'How to Raise and Keep a Dragon' by John Topsell and 'How to Train your Dragon' by Cressida Cowell. Pupils will craft non-chronological reports and bring creativity to life by writing their own dragon-themed diary entries.


Half Term       

Biomes around the world

In Geography, we will embark on an exciting deep dive into world biomes, starting with the extremes of hot and cold deserts, exploring their climates, plants, animals, and tribes.

Music will see us mastering crochets, quavers, minims, and rests through a thrilling dragon-themed song. 

This vibrant term promises a fiery mix for learning and imagination!


Learning this term



Autumn B term

To access the curriculum map for this term, please click here.

To access the knowledge organiser for this term, please click here.

To access the newsletter for this term, please click here.

To access the residential trip letter, please click here.

Our PE days this term will be on a Monday and we will have swimming every Wednesday for the next 5 weeks. 

Learning for Kingsley Class



Swimming lessons have been going very well and the children are having so much fun. Their confidence has soared visibly over the past two sessions.       

Our science topic for this term is in full swing. We have been exploring how a sound is made and have learnt that a sound is made through vibrations travelling through a medium to the ear. The children are really enjoying the practical elements to the lessons and they have become very confident at recording their findings in a chart. 

In computing, we will be converting this data into a bar graph to track the noise levels in our investigations.



Autumn A term

To access the curriculum map for this term, please click here.

To access the knowledge organiser for this term, please click here.

To access the newsletter for this term, please click here.

To access the residential trip letter, please click here.

Our PE days this term will be on a Monday and a Friday this term. Please ensure that your child has the correct footwear and kit for the session. 

Learning for Kingsley Class

 Topics this Term

Greece Vs. the UK


Our focus for geography this term is our local area. We will be using both digital world maps and atlases to locate Europe, Britain, and Bridgwater. We will learn about four-figure grid references and using an eight-point compass to identify features on a map. We will have the opportunity to explore our local area and use this to draw comparisons between where we live and a town in Greece.  


         Half Term  

The Greeks


During the second half of the term, we will hone our historical skills through examining artefacts from the Southwest Heritage Trust and secondary source evidence from Ancient Greece, explaining what these can tell us about life during that time. We will explore the Battle of Marathon, the Olympic games and Alexander the Great.


The PTA are always welcoming to new members who would like to support the team in organising these events or even just offering new ideas and suggestions. The first meeting is the AGM which is taking place on Thursday 19th September at 3:30pm. During this meeting, the PTA will be allocating roles within the group and discussing the first fundraising events. Any support would be appreciated, and they look forward to seeing many of you at the AGM.

I am looking forward to the new term and will upload many photos soon!

Learning in Kingsley



Kingsley class had a fantastic walk around our local area. We discussed physical and human features of the area and they had a go at drawing their own sketchmaps using a compass.


In Science, the children have been learning about Living things (including humans). We had a practical experiment to recreate the digestive system and discuss the function of each part of it.



Drumming has been a huge success through Somerset Music and the children have been really enjoying their individual lessons too.


We hope you all have a lovely half term break and we look forward to the second Autumn term.